Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 16

So today was a slightly less eventful day that some more recent days...My foot was still hurting a bit from Disneyland, so I definitely wanted to take it easy today. Slept a little later than usual, then went over to 11 o'clock Mass at St. Finbar church on Olive Ave. Nice Mass, really good choir there, probably made up of people looking to become professional singers and such....

Anyway, like last week, I wanted to watch the Patriots game, so I headed over to Mad Bulls Tavern in Sherman Oaks to meet my friends and watch the game. Got there pretty much right as the Pats were starting, which was good, because honestly I don't really care about the rest of the league haha, though of course I love seeing the Jets lose, but since the Pats were playing the Jets today, I could kill two birds with one stone. So I got to the place, saw Chris and some of his and Austin's friends that I've gotten to know a bit myself, and we watched the game and pondered our existence...ok not really.

While I was watching the game, everybody else went over to Santa Monica for lunch at Geoffrey's. Apparently it was pretty expensive haha. Of course, everybody but me ran into America's Got Talent's Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. again, and got some autographed pictures from him, figures everybody else gets to talk with him when I'm not there haha.

Anyway, like I said, it wasn't a particularly eventful day.... After the game was over, I drove back to Burbank, chilled a bit, well a lot I guess. I spent a lot of time on the computer, and eventually headed to William's apartment to watch the face-blowing (no not mind-blowing, you'll get it if you watch it) season finale of "Breaking Bad" (aka the best show on TV, and probably the best show I've ever seen, alright I haven't seen the Sopranos or The Wire which everyone says are the best shows ever, but as far as I've seen, [Br]eaking [Ba]d easily takes the cake) hung out with William and his roommate Mike a bit, then headed back to the hotel and called it a night....

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