It was a pretty crowded day down on the beach, and we were stopped numerous times by rappers and other musicians trying to sell us their CDs. Eventually we broke down and got a few haha. After exploring the beach a bit more, we headed back down towards Hollywood, walked along Hollywood Blvd a little bit, and then headed into the Hollywood Museum.
The museum had a lot of cool stuff in it. The first section we visited was an exhibit dedicated to the various works of Lucille Ball, who would have been 100 this year. Pretty amazing to see all that she did in her career. There were hundreds of episodes of the various shows she starred in over her career, so its no surprise she was so well known. After spending some time in that exhibit, we headed upstairs and looked at a few more exhibits, which included a Michael Jackson section, a collection of many pictures of celebrities receiving stars on the Walk of Fame, and a bunch more that I can't remember.
We headed downstairs and saw a bunch of costumes from various movies and TV shows, including Data from Star Trek TNG's uniform, which was of course cool for me haha. We went down to the basement and saw a bunch of horror film memorabilia, which was also kind of cool for me. Perhaps most notably was a recreation of the Hannibal Lecter's hallway from the Silence of the Lambs Ahhh!
Anyway, afterwards we headed back to the hotel. Everybody went out to go see "Moneyball" and I went out with some college friends, got back a little later and called it a night.
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