So we got up a little earlier, and were alone in the house since Jack had gone to work. I drove into town to get some gas and a card thanking Jack for his hospitality. After packing up the car, we headed towards the Rocky mountains. The views throughout the Rockies were incredible, here are some examples:

After about 3 hours of driving, we ended up in a little town off Route 70 called Glenwood Springs. Forgot to mention earlier that we had planned on driving on Route 80 to Salt Lake City, which would have taken us through Wyoming and Northern Colorado, but at Jack’s suggestion we ended up taking Route 70 instead, it was a bit longer, but again, very much worth the extra time. Anyway, back to Glenwood Springs. Since it was around lunchtime, we stopped in at a Subway, and I used my Subway gift card that someone who might be reading this blog gave me last week, thanks again haha. While eating my footlong Turkey sub on wheat, I snagged some internet from the Ramada across the street and tried to find out what to do in this little town. Still wasn’t quite sure, so we headed into town a little further and stopped by the visitors center. Inside, a very nice woman told us about the things to do in Glenwood Springs, including an adventure park at the top of one of the mountains, and even gave us a coupon for it. It’s a nice change of pace to have people actually want to help you!

So we rode up in a tram to the top of the mountain and visited the adventure park. There was some cool stuff there, rides, a cave tour, gift shop…. but also very good views of the area. We thought about taking a cave tour, but eventually decided against it as it was 70 minutes long and had a lot of stairs to go up and down which probably would have been bad for my foot. We did go on a cool little mini roller coaster thing though, interesting to note that we had to fill out liability waivers before going on it…wonder if they had some kind of accident on it before…. 8-O One more random thing – in the gift shop they were selling these little toys that almost looked like a worm made of a pipe cleaner that moved by itself. One of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen…

So eventually we went back down to the car and kept driving for a few more hours. Saw some more great views of the Rockies before reaching the Utah border. Soon after the border we stopped at a viewing spot, and took some pretty cool pictures. There was a couple probably in their 40s or 50s also there, and they were nice enough to take our picture for us. As you can see, unfortunately my hair didn’t want its picture taken…

After driving close to 100 more miles, we rolled into Green River, the first somewhat legitimate town for hours. It was getting late, so we had reserved a room at the Super 8 right on the edge of town, and pretty much called it a day. I made sure we did a little exploring first though. The town apparently has less than 1000 people, and seems only to exist as a place for people driving on Rt. 70 to stop at, though apparently there is a school there. By the time we for there I was hungry and was thinking Arby’s, so we drove down and got some sandwiches at an Arby’s/general store/gas station combo thing. One more thing – the couple that took our picture ended up at the same Super 8 as us, I guess minds driving through the desert think alike….
One more thing - this part is fun
I want to drive in such a place where the speed limit is 75... ^_^